After gaming for 25 years, Synzer leveraged his vast knowledge of RPGs and MMOs into a job as a games journalist, covering the games he loves. Basic Attacks should be maxed as well as one of the supers, whichever you prefer.

Depends on what character you like the most. Love Pink Fluffy Fighter? QQ BANG GUIDE! Another thing to keep in mind is Ki refills automatically as an Earthling, though it isn't very fast. If you want you can even put 40 in health and nothing in Ki. This build is for people who like to fight tough enemies in high star PQs but hate dying. One of the fairly balanced Stats for Defense and Offense are the Earthling Race. Frieza Race has high movement speed, with lower attack power than the other races. Potential Unleashes requires 5 Ki Bars and Power Pole Pro does not require anything. This build is intended for PvE, but could be a decent option for PvP. Majins is a race under the magic of Bibidi or his doppelganger, Babidi that all the Dragon Ball Fans must have noticed.

QQ Bang - QQ Bangs that work well with Earthling builds. In the game they stated they were the fastest and I like speed more than physical strength. Same as male, but would shoot for raising Ki Blast instead of Strike. This does not mean you have to build your characters this way, but it is good to know if you want to do the maximum damage you can.

Also Check: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Wiki Guides, How to access Facial Recognition AI in Initiate Sequence Mission in Watch Dogs: Legion. This also takes into account the boost you get from the Guru's House that lets you raise stats to 125. Stamina is 42 to get an extra bar and having more stamina is nice since you won't need the extra Ki. If you are a defensive player then Majin Race is perfect for you.