This also works when using Button, Inner Ship Remote, and Wireless Logic Module in place of an Activation Module. So again if the PADSel which is the same as the dock is selected ( this could be 0,1,or 2) then press a key an undock and press it again and now you dock. But if you just want to eva then you must undock. So if the ship is docked you can transfer ummu. The dock/undock is only for transfer of the ummu. To ensure this works correctly, only one rail block should be adjacent to the Activation Module. But this vessel is attached so not moving. When the Activation Module is activated, the rails it links to are replaced with copies of the rail adjacent to the Activation Module. Place any rail with the type and orientation you want to change the other rails to adjacent to the Activation Module. To exchange rails, place an Activation Module and link it to all rails you want to change. This is often used to switch the direction of rails, and for advanced manipulation of docked entities. Using an Activation Module it is possible to replace or reorient rails. An exception to this is the Pickup Point, which can place entities it picks up onto a Shootout Rail. Like the Pickup Rail, the Shootout Rail is invisible and intangible, and can not be docked to. The Shootout Rail is intended to be used on fleet carriers to launch support craft, but can also be used to launch drones, torpedoes, and mines. If a Shootout Rail tries to move a docked entity onto any rail other than a Shootout Rail, the entity will also be undocked and launched. Once the docked entity reaches the end of a line of Shootout Rails it will be undocked and launched in the direction the Shootout Rail was moving it. For more information and to get a proper layout on key bindings, please visit the image link below that is in printer format.When a docked entity moves onto a Shootout Rail, it will be accelerated to a high speed. Once you've placed some of these, hit (this will open up the weapons menu), click on the weapons controller in the list and press a number on your keyboard to bind your weapons to that specific slot. All weapons currently correspond to specific controller blocks. Now your ship is ready for flight! The next thing you should add are weapons. Make sure to place thrusters on your ship. The bar on the bottom-right will fill up, meaning your ship is charging. So, to start with, place power blocks on your ship. Learning to Fly Even the most basic ships will require the following: a power supply, propulsion, protection and weapons. The player may edit around the ship core and place necessary blocks by using the left mouse button, and remove them with the right mouse button. In this mode, the player may press the " and the and keys to move forward, left, backwards, right, up, and down respectively. Once you have done this, press to enter build mode. After naming your ship, you may enter the core by targeting it with the mouse reticle and pressing. Beginning Construction As of now, you may not change the name of your ship after creating it to it, however this is a planned feature in future iterations of the game. However, you can edit the name with the faction module. You can help StarMade Wiki wiki by adding links to other relevant pages which are mentioned in the page. This page is a dead end! Ships doesn't link to any other pages.